Who referred you to this loan application?* Select One Loans Realty Elite Associate (ie Agent or Loan Officer) Previous Loans Realty Elite Client Found on the Internet Other None of the Above
Are you a first time homebuyer?* Select One Yes No
What type of home are you looking for?* Select One Single Family Residence Condo Townhome Two Units Three Units Four Units Mobile Home
Are you putting any Down Payment towards the purchase of the Subject Property? Select One Yes No, using Down Payment Assistance Program Not Sure
How will this Subject Property be occupied? Select One Owner Occupied Non-Owner Occupied or Investment Property Second Home
IMPOUND ACCOUNTS For more information on Impound Accounts click here
Do you want Impound Accounts on Property Taxes and Home Insurance? Select One No Yes, Both Yes, Home Insurance Only Yes, Property Tax Only Unsure
Borrowers Information: Type of Citizenship Select One U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident Alien Non-Permanent Resident Alien
Non-Permanent Resident Alien Select One Student Visa (F-1 or J-1) Business Visitors or Tourists Visa (B1/B2) Fiancee Visa (K-1) Granted Temporary Protected Status (ie Asylum) ITIN DACA Not Sure
Marital Status Select One Married Unmarried (Includes single, widowed, divorced) Separated
If Unmarried, is there a person who is not your legal spouse, but who currently has real property rights similar to those of a legal spouse? Select One No, I am Single Yes
i.e. Civil Union, Domestic Partnership, Registered Reciprical Beneficiary Relationship or Other.
If Unmarried - Yes Select One Civil Union Domestic Partnership Registered Reciprocal Beneficiary Relationship Other
If Separated, have you filed legal separation with the courts? Select One No. Note: By not filing legal separation, it may affect your home loan application, because you are technically still married. Yes I have filed the legal separation, but it is still ongoing and not yet finalized by the courts. I will provide you of what was filed in the courts. Yes and it is finalized by the courts. I will provide the complete legal separation from the courts to you.
Number of Dependents: Select One 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CURRENT ADDRESS of where you physically live (no PO Box or UPS Store address): Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
Do you Own or Rent? Select One Own Rent
If Rent, how much do you pay per month? Select One None. Select this to input how much.
Were you living at the above current address equal to or more than 2 years? Select One Yes No
Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
If you combined the total time for both Current Address and Previous Address of where you lived, how much does it equal to? Select One Equal to or more than 2 years. Less than 2 years total.
Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
What is your Mailing Address? Select One Same as where I currently live. Other, please enter the address:
Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
Preferred Language: Select One Chinese English Korean Spanish Tagalog Vietnamese I do not wish to furnish.
EMPLOYMENT, SELF-EMPLOYMENT OR OTHER INCOME: Are you employed as W-2 Employee?* Select One No Yes
How long have you worked with your current employer? Select One Equal to or more than 2 years. Less than 2 years.
Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
If you combined both Current Employer and Previous Employer together, does it equal to or more than 2 years? Select One Yes No it does not equal to 2 years. Here is PREVIOUS employer #2:
Unit Designator: Select One N/A (not applicable) Apartment Condo Unit Basement Building Department Floor Front Hangar Key Lobby Lower Office Penthouse Pier Rear Room Side Stop Suite Trailer Upper
Are you Employed by a family member, property seller, real estate agent, or other party to the transaction? Select One Yes No
Are you a Business Owner and/or Self-Employed (Schedule C or Schedule E)? Select One No Yes, Schedule C Only (ie 1099 employee or sole proprietor) Yes, Schedule E Only (ie K-1 from Corporation or LLC Income Tax) Yes, both Schedule C (ie 1099 Employee or sole proprietor) and Schedule E (ie K-1 from Corporation or LLC Income Tax)
What is your Ownership Share? Select One Less than 25% Equal to 25% or more
What is your Ownership Share? Select One Less than 25% Equal to 25% or more
What is your Ownership Share of your Schedule C business? Select One Less than 25% Equal to 25% or more
What is your Ownership Share of your Schedule E business? Select One Less than 25% Equal to 25% or more
Do you have Foreign Income? Select One No Yes
Do you have Seasonal Income (ie Farmer, W-2 Contract Employee)? Select One No Yes
Do you receive Unemployment Income from EDD during non-working season? Select One No Yes
Do you have income from Other Sources? Select One No Yes
If you answered yes, select below: Select One Accessory Unit Income Alimony (Spousal Support) Automobile Allowance Boarder Income Capital Gains Child Support Defined Contribution Plan Disability Employment Related Assets Foreign Income Housing Allowance Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Housing or Parsonage Interest and Dividends Mortgage Credit Certificate Mortgage Differential Payments Net Rental Income Non-Borrower Contribution Notes Receivable Pension Public Assistance Retirement Royalty Payments Seasonal Income Separate Maintenance Social Security Income Temporary Leave Trailing Co-Borrower Income Trust Unemployment Benefits VA Compensation VA Non-Educational Benefits
Do you have 2nd income from Other Sources? Select One No Yes
If you answered yes, select below: Select One Accessory Unit Income Alimony (Spousal Support) Automobile Allowance Boarder Income Capital Gains Child Support Defined Contribution Plan Disability Employment Related Assets Foreign Income Housing Allowance Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Housing or Parsonage Interest and Dividends Mortgage Credit Certificate Mortgage Differential Payments Net Rental Income Non-Borrower Contribution Notes Receivable Pension Public Assistance Retirement Royalty Payments Seasonal Income Separate Maintenance Social Security Income Temporary Leave Trailing Co-Borrower Income Trust Unemployment Benefits VA Compensation VA Non-Educational Benefits
Do you have 3rd income from Other Sources? Select One No Yes
If you answered yes, select below: Select One Accessory Unit Income Alimony (Spousal Support) Automobile Allowance Boarder Income Capital Gains Child Support Defined Contribution Plan Disability Employment Related Assets Foreign Income Housing Allowance Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Housing or Parsonage Interest and Dividends Mortgage Credit Certificate Mortgage Differential Payments Net Rental Income Non-Borrower Contribution Notes Receivable Pension Public Assistance Retirement Royalty Payments Seasonal Income Separate Maintenance Social Security Income Temporary Leave Trailing Co-Borrower Income Trust Unemployment Benefits VA Compensation VA Non-Educational Benefits
Do you have 4th income from Other Sources? Select One No Yes
If you answered yes, select below: Select One Accessory Unit Income Alimony (Spousal Support) Automobile Allowance Boarder Income Capital Gains Child Support Defined Contribution Plan Disability Employment Related Assets Foreign Income Housing Allowance Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Housing or Parsonage Interest and Dividends Mortgage Credit Certificate Mortgage Differential Payments Net Rental Income Non-Borrower Contribution Notes Receivable Pension Public Assistance Retirement Royalty Payments Seasonal Income Separate Maintenance Social Security Income Temporary Leave Trailing Co-Borrower Income Trust Unemployment Benefits VA Compensation VA Non-Educational Benefits
Do you have 5th income from Other Sources? Select One No Yes
If you answered yes, select below: Select One Accessory Unit Income Alimony (Spousal Support) Automobile Allowance Boarder Income Capital Gains Child Support Defined Contribution Plan Disability Employment Related Assets Foreign Income Housing Allowance Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Housing or Parsonage Interest and Dividends Mortgage Credit Certificate Mortgage Differential Payments Net Rental Income Non-Borrower Contribution Notes Receivable Pension Public Assistance Retirement Royalty Payments Seasonal Income Separate Maintenance Social Security Income Temporary Leave Trailing Co-Borrower Income Trust Unemployment Benefits VA Compensation VA Non-Educational Benefits
ASSETS: What type of Liquid Assets do you own? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #2? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #3? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #4? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #5? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #6? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #7? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #8? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #9? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #10? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #11? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
Additional Assets #12? Select One None Bonds Bridge Loan Proceeds Cash Value of Life Insurance Certificate of Deposit Checking Individual Development Account Money Market Fund Retirement Savings Stock Options Stocks Trust Account
How many automobiles do you own? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Do you own any of the following Other Assets? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #2? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #3? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #4? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #5? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #6? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #7? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #8? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #9? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #10? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #11? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
Other Assets #12? Select One None Annuity Boat Bridge Loan Not Deposited Cash on Hand Net Work of Business Owned Proceeds from Real Estate Property to be sold on or before closing Proceeds from Sale of Non-Real Estate Asset Real Estate Owned Recreational Vehicle Rent Credit Secured Borrower Funds Severance Package Unsecured Borrower Funds
How many real estate properties do you own? Select One 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
NOTE: Please send us a recent mortgage statement, property tax bill, home insurance bill and rental agreement (if applicable) for all real estate properties that you own.
A. Will you occupy the property as your primary residence? Select One Yes No
If Yes, have you had an ownership interest in another property in the last three years? Select One Yes No
If Yes, what type of property did you own: Primary Residence (PR), FHA secondary residence (SR), second home (SH), or investment property (IP)? Select One Primary Residence FHA Secondary Residence Second Home Investment Property
How did you hold title to the property: by yourself (S), jointly with your spouse (SP), or jointly with another person (O)? Select One By yourself jointly with your spouse jointly with another person
B. If this is a Purchase Transaction: Do you have a family relationship or business affiliation with the seller of the property? Select One Yes No
C. Are you borrowing any money for this transaction (e.g., money for closing cost or down payment) or obtaining any money from another party, such as the seller or realtor, that you have not disclosed on this application? Select One Yes No
D. 1. Have you or will you be applying for a mortgage loan on another property (not the property securing this loan) on or before closing this transaction that is not disclosed on this loan application? Select One Yes No
D. 2. Have you or will you be applying for any new credit (e.g. installment loan, credit card, etc) on or before closing this loan that is not disclosed on this application? Select One Yes No
E. Will this property be subject to a lien that could take priority over the first mortgage lien, such as clean energy lien paid through your property taxes (e.g. the property assessed Clean Energy Program)? Select One Yes No
F. Are you a co-signor or guarantor on any debt or loan that is not disclosed on this application? Select One Yes No
G. Are there any outstanding judgments against you? Select One Yes No
H. Are you currently delinquent or in default on a federal debt? Select One Yes No
I. Are you a party to a lawsuit in which you potentially have any personal financial liability? Select One Yes No
J. Have you conveyed title to any property in lieu of foreclosure in the past 7 years? Select One Yes No
K. Within the past 7 years, have you completed a pre-foreclosure sale or short sale, whereby the property was sold to a third party and the Lender agreed to accept less than the outstanding balance due? Select One Yes No
L. Have you had property foreclosed upon in the last 7 years? Select One Yes No
M. Have you declared bankruptcy within the past 7 years? Select One Yes No
If Yes, identify the type of bankruptcy? Select One Chapter 7 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13
For Government Monitoring Purposes For more information about Government Monitoring Purposes click here
MILITARY SERVICE: Did you (or your deceased spouse) ever served, or are you currently serving in the United States Armed Forces? Select One No Yes
If Yes, select your answer below: Select One Currently on active duty Currently retired, discharged, or separated from service Only period of service was as a non-activated member of the Reserve or National Guard Surviving Spouse
DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Ethnicity: Select One Hispanic or Latino Mexican Other Hispanic or Latino: Not Hispanic or Latino Puerto Rican Cuban I do not wish to furnish this information
Race: Select One American Indian or Alaska Native Asian: Asian Indian Asian: Chinese Asian: Filipino Asian: Japanese Asian: Korean Asian: Vietnamese Other Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: Native Hawaiian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: Guamanian or Chamorro Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: Samoan Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: Other Pacific Islander White I do not wish to furnish this information
Sex: Select One Female Male I do not wish to furnish this information.
Do you have a Co-Borrower to help you qualify for the Subject Property? Select One Yes No
Do you have any comments you may want to add about your home loan application, including if someone assisted you in filling out this loan application? Please explain any comments that you may have, and also add the full name, phone number and email address of the person that assisted you in filling out this loan application, if applicable, so we maybe able to contact them for further clarification on what was disclosed on this loan application.
Terms and Conditions* By clicking on the SUBMIT button below, you are stating that you are the person named above under Borrower’s Information and is applying for a real estate home loan with Loans Realty Elite and its associates. You also authorize Loans Realty Elite and its associates (ie direct lender, loan processors, title company) to verify all information entered above with any supporting documents supplied by you. After you press the SUBMIT button, please go to the Documents Needed webpage by clicking on the link below to download the Borrower Authorization Form and Credit Card Authorization Form to pay for the credit report. Also at the bottom of the Documents Needed webpage, select the type of loan you are applying for (Down Payment Assistance Program or Regular Purchase Loan) to see the list of documents needed for Pre-Approval. Don’t worry if you are unsure which loan type you are applying for as we can make that determination later depending on your financial documents given and your fico score.